Doggie Dooley for composting dog poop

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I’m categorizing Doggie Dooley under “Green Products,” but I’ll let you decide.

Since my only pet Choco is a cat, I don’t have to contend with piles of dog poop in my yard. He’s nice and always goes in his litter box. I don’t have to poop hunt.

The Doggie Dooley from Gaiam is an underground steel bucket with a foot pedal for opening the lid. You put the hunted-down and scooped-up poop inside. A natural enzyme and bacteria formula that you add breaks the poop down into an odorless liquid that is supposed to be harmless to lawns. I guess that means it’s harmless to people too.

The product costs $76. A one-year enzyme replacement supply costs $18.

Gaiam lists the Doggie Dooley with their composting products. And they promote it as saving plastic bags. You just scoop the poop and place it in the Doggie Dooley.

What do you think? Would you use this product?

Photo from Gaiam.

10 responses to “Doggie Dooley for composting dog poop”

  1. badhuman Avatar

    It seems a little odd… but maybe just because it’s new. I do think it is a bit spendy and since we live in an apartment it’s not feasible for us. We do scoop our poop and put in biodegradable bags at least.


  2. Sonya Avatar

    If I had a dog, I would totally want to compost the poop (heck, I’m almost tempted to get one for the neighbors who NEVER clean up after their dogs, rrr, but that’s another story).

    However, I probably wouldn’t buy the product, just because I’m a DIY girl and you can make yer own dog waste composter for a lot cheaper.

    As it is, though, I just have cats, and their poo is tougher to deal with, environmentally speaking. We tried Swheat Scoop litter, which is flushable, but one of the cats ATE the litter instead (unused litter, but still, kitty doesn’t need that much carbs).


  3. Peggy Avatar


    I have been using Feline Pine for years. I like it except for when the pellets are almost used up. Then the dust gets tracked more. I tried Yesterday’s News and it smelled horrible after a few pees.

    You can use a special litter box with Feline Pine so that the dust goes to the bottom. I like my Booda Dome though. Well, he likes his Booda Dome.

    Make your own dog composter! Great idea.


  4. Kisha Avatar

    This sounds interesting to me. Don’t know if I would buy it, seems a little pricey but still a good idea.


  5. chocmoon Avatar

    Hi Kisha. Thanks for visiting. I agree. It is pricey. I was intrigued by it though.


  6. rjlight Avatar

    I don’t have a dog, but it is great that the poop can be reused. Does it fertilize the lawn or just not hurt it?


  7. Peggy Avatar

    rjlight, that’s a good question. I e-mailed customer service to find out. I’ll let you know what I hear. It might take a day or two.


  8. Peggy Avatar

    Rjlight, I have an answer for you from Gaiam customer service:

    The Doggie Dooley does not necessarily fertilize the lawn because a typical dog’s diet is not usually comparable to other animals that provide fertilizer. These other animals (horses, cows, etc.) have
    mostly vegetarian based diets.


  9. duprat Avatar

    votre system est t’il valable en France et ce materiel est pour combien de dogs pour un elevage


  10. Marie Avatar

    We have tried a DIY version of this, but we have multiple large dogs and the enzyme just couldn’t keep up and it didn’t break down the poop fast enough. I even double and tripled the amount we put in, and it just didn’t work. We ended up digging all the poo out, and trashing the idea altogether. And lemme tell ya, digging it out after it was half composted is a LOT grosser than just picking it up to begin with.


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